Renly Baratheon and Loras Tyrell sex scene ( Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 5) Game of Thrones also featured gay relationships, most notably between Renly and Loras, who will become his. Here is our collection of game of thrones sex games. In case if you haven't noticed, Game Of Thrones can get really, really serious. Game Of Porns Mother Of Dragons features sexual adventures of Daenerys Targaryen, also known as Khaleesi and Mother of Dragons. #GAY SEX GAME OF THRONES TV#īasically, the game follows her storyline from the books and the TV show, but with a kinky twist (yes, its kinkier than the original material). God only knows how many beloved characters have died, many in shocking ways, but it's enough to heighten everyone's emotions. All this rampant sex has a way of adding a bit of levity and making things more comfortable. I'm not sure it's appropriate to choose a favorite nude scene in the history of the show, but since we just ran a sixteen minute video of boobs, I'm not going to worry about classiness and just go for it.
So, I'll choose the creepiness/ insane hotness of Daenerys Targaryen, the first time she's forced to disrobe. I still can't figure out whether to vomit or high five every dude I know, and that makes it one of the most unforgettable moments in the history of the show. That and that time she covered her naked body in dragons.